Bob's Burgers Wiki

Bob's Burgers returned to TV yesterday, and it looks like the season started off pretty well! If you haven't seen the premiere yet, watch it now!

Here is a recap of what happened:

  • Mort's funeral home played host to the memorial for the leader of the biker gang the One-Eyed Snakes. The group then celebrated at Bob's Burgers, and while they did wreck the place, they also left an IOU, to be redeemed at any point.
  • The same day, the kids encountered a group of high school bullies who controlled the corner of a street. Louise Belcher confronted the leader, Logan, and they managed to sneak by once, but, the second time, Logan stole Louise's trademark ears.
  • Obviously, Louise eventually called in the IOU and had the bikers confront Logan, but the in between part of the episode was pretty funny!

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